Major Changes Coming to Monogatari

Last time I spoke to you guys about a year ago, there was a few things I was excited about, a Date System, incorporating some CGs I had commissioned, finishing updating the characters to Mannequin, and finishing the special route I was making and adding a new chapter to the game.

A lot of things have changed since then. The game has went from having no CGs at all to having over 70 CGs. Multiple new endings not only making use of an affection system, but also a combat system that has you make the big choices in battle. Several characters have been overhauled to make more sense (Like our Black and Purple haired Natalia at the top of the article), and every route has a direction, all 16 girls in the game will have a good ending when the final version is released, an ambitious goal.

Probably the biggest change is that version 0.3.0 will be a new project entirely as it will no longer be Monogatari High School, but it will now be Monogatari Student Council (or MSC for short), and the Council will take place in Monogatari University instead of Monogatari High School. Long Story short this project originally started when I was 15, and as a now 19yo about to turn 20, I think it's time to move on from the High School title and change the name to what the game is really about, the insane Council.

Well that's it for now, I don't want to make any promises I can't keep so all I'll say is that Monogatari Student Council is coming soon

Get Monogatari High School V0.2.1

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